Make a Plan and Stick to It
You may have heard the saying, “Content is King.” Well, we’re here to tell you that consistency is also royalty . Used in tandem, you’ll create a brand that engages your audience and sticks with them. Strategic planning can feel like a hamper to progress in our fast-paced digital reality. But the truth is: thoughtful and reliable content that adds value to your target audience is proven to be better for your business long-term, even though it’ll initially take more time to see results. You’ll need to carve out a few hours each week to focus on social media marketing. Here’s our suggested outline for the planning process:
- Define your audience (demographics, location etc.)
- Choose your platforms (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, TikTok)
- Brainstorm content (What kind of content will you post? i.e. videos, property listings, property photos, DIY renovation tips)
- Decide how much you’ll post and when (i.e., 3-4 times per work week)
- Post, post, and keep posting!
Be Recognizable
You won’t find a digital audience if no one can identify you online. Consistency doesn’t only apply to the content you post, but also to your digital presence. As a Realtor®, remember that you are the primary brand. Expressing yourself in both a professional and exciting way on social can help you reach prospects and make connections. The goal is to be easily recognizable by people no matter what platform you’re using. What you’ll need:
- A fabulous, high-resolution headshot (Use the same photo across all platforms)
- A short-but-sweet bio (Again, use the same bio across all platforms if you can, and think about what makes you the best Realtor® for your clients)
- Reviews and recommendations on your pages (Tip: If you haven’t helped sell your first home yet, find colleagues who can speak to your intangible qualities as a Realtor®)
- Clear contact info (Most social media platforms help you prominently display your contact information, but it’s good practice to frequently encourage messages from your audience)
Go Where the People Are
Do you feel like you’re shouting into the void when you post on social media? It’s important for Realtors® to post in digital spaces where their clients and prospects hang out, and to understand the differences in audience demographics within each popular platform. For instance, LinkedIn is a great platform to connect with colleagues and those in the real estate industry, but it’s not where people who are looking to buy or sell a home go for content or news. Instagram, with its focus on still and moving images, is an ideal channel for property photos and video content that will reach millennials. Facebook is ideal for connecting and engaging prospects through comments and direct messaging. TikTok is an emerging platform where you can showcase your creativity, personality, and knowledge as a Realtor®, but it’s not a great way to connect with clients from the baby boomer generation. Remember that creating content is not just about showcasing your skills, but about marketing your expert services to meet your client’s needs.
Platforms for Realtors®:
- Instagram
- Facebook
- TikTok
- Pinterest
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
A.B.L. (Always Be Learning)
As T.S. Elliot famously said, “Good writers borrow, great writers steal.” While we’re not advocating for blatant plagiarism of other Realtors®’ content, you can borrow or steal the tactics taken by other successful real estate professionals. Consider the strategy of top real estate professionals. How much content do they share? Where do they find content? What would add value for your clients right now? Building upon the knowledge and information that already exists is part of good business practice. In fact, many real estate influencers like Tom Ferry offer incredible free resources and tips for Realtors® looking to improve their social media marketing and stay on top of trends. Part of the hours you spend on social media should be used to research industry topics and observe how others are presenting them. The job of a Realtor® on social media is an ever evolving one, but with these tips, you can grow your social media presence and reach new heights.