
Top Four Ways to Winterize Your Home for Energy Efficiency

By MNR News posted 01-12-2024 12:49 PM

Winter’s late arrival may have deprived Minnesota of a snowy holiday season this year, but it also kept our walkways, driveways, and highways clear longer. As snow and frigid air finally descend upon the North Star State in the coming weeks, you and your home will feel the chill.  

Now is not the time to close your eyes and wish away the long-delayed cold. Unless you’re packing up and moving near the equator in the next few days, you should act now to properly prepare and protect your property from the winter’s cold spell.

Even if you think your home is relatively winterized, cold weather can slip through the smallest cracks to create energy inefficiencies or put your home on the path to long-term damage. Addressing potential energy issues before they become hazardous will not only reduce your carbon footprint but also put less of a strain on your bank account.
Follow our four energy-saving maintenance tips for your home this winter.
  • Seal the Leaks and Heat the Pipes
    • Drafts around windows and doors can significantly impact your home's energy efficiency. Conduct a meticulous inspection to identify and seal any gaps or cracks. Weatherstripping and caulking are your allies in the battle against the biting cold, ensuring that your home retains heat and keeps the cold air out. In addition, consider swapping out lightweight blinds or curtains for those that are thermal lined, which are designed to trap heat inside and keep the cold where it belongs. Inspect any pipes at risk of freezing in your home—typically found in cold and dark basement areas—and line them with thermal tapes, which are available online or at your local hardware store. 
  • Upgrade and Inspect Insulation

    • Insufficient insulation allows precious heat to escape, making your heating system work overtime and creating inefficiency. Heat rises, and so will your monthly utility bill if you don’t have adequately upgraded insulation. Evaluate your home's insulation with the help of professionals, especially in the attic and walls, and consider upgrading to high-efficiency insulation materials if your budget allows. This investment improves energy efficiency and enhances the overall comfort of your living space. Minnesota also has rebate programs for property owners who upgrade their insulation efficiency. Checkout the following home energy rebate resources to see what applies to you 

  • Invest in a Smart Thermostat

    •  Take control of your heating system with a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats can be tailored to fit your schedule and vacations. Program it to lower the temperature when you're awayexperts suggest no lower than 60 degreesand then raise it before you return using your connected smartphone. Some advanced models even learn your temperature routine, optimizing energy use over time. In the long run, a smart thermostat can lead to substantial energy savings without sacrificing comfort. 

  • Keep Your Heating Equipment Updated

    • Your furnace and heating system are the workhorses of winter, and a well-maintained system operates more efficiently. Schedule regular professional maintenance, including cleaning filters, checking for leaks, and ensuring all components are in top condition. A smoothly running heating system not only saves energy but also extends its lifespan. 

Minnesota's winter may be unforgiving, but with a strategic approach to energy efficiency, you can keep your home warm while minimizing your environmental footprint and energy bills. From sealing drafts to embracing smart technology, these top five tips empower homeowners to navigate winter with efficiency and sustainability in mind. Make these changes, and you will create a cozy retreat from the cold and contribute to a greener, more energy-conscious future.