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  • Overall showings dipped 13 . 5 % across the NorthstarMLS coverage area. This dip can mostly be attributed to the timing difference of when Thanksgiving fell on the calendar last year versus this year. The holiday was later ...

  • Teens enter the program to learn skills for construction trades. Along the way, they gain self-discipline, respect for others, and a passion for excellence . For too many kids growing up in Minneapolis, life beyond high school does not ...

  • Overall showings rocketed 27.1% higher across the NorthstarMLS coverage area. A full eight out of nine price ranges saw more showings compared to the same week in 2023. Homes priced in the $400-500K range had the strongest gain in activity followed ...

  • Despite rates stubbornly sticking around 7.0%, buyers once again showed resilience , schedul ing even more showings than the same week last year. Overall showings rose 8.6% across the NorthstarMLS coverage area. Seven out of nine price ...

  • Sizable gains in listings and sales despite rate environment S igned purchase agreements were up 1 0 . 4 % statewide, and new listings were up 9 . 1 % The median sales price increased 5 . 3 % to $3 47,5 ...

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